Wednesday, May 25, 2016



I have been a practicing bodyworker for 34 years as of 2016. My formal trainings include: 
Advanced coursework in Polarity Therapy, a combination of eastern acupressure techniques with western osteopathic and chiropractic style manipulations, along with exercise and dietary practices.
Advanced level  Neuromuscular Therapy, deep tissue massage, finding and releasing muscular contractions, with special focus on origins and insertions of muscles at joints.
Advanced level training in Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure®
as well as a attending classes in Ortho-Bionomy, an osteopathic technique using compression or stretching with gentle pressure to release holding patterns around joints;
Rosen Method Bodywork
, gentle bodymind integration using, movement, breath, touch and awareness to deepen experience of aliveness; and Integrative Manual Therapy, gentle manipulations of fascia and underlying structures for relief of holding patterns.

I have a masters degree in Body Psychology from The Naropa Institute and advanced certification in the Rosenberg System of Integrative Body Psychotherapy, which employs sensory awareness, breath, movement and stress postures to deepen awareness.

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